Heroin AddictionAs per the information posted on the National Institute on Drug Abuse, more than 600,000 people (age 12 and over) have abused heroin at least once. This is a startling figure, considering the fact that heroin is one of the most addictive and harmful drugs known to humans. This also highlights the pressing need to provide effective heroine treatment programs to those who’re trying to overcome heroin addiction.

Processed from Morphine, heroine is a type of depressant that activates the brain’s pleasure system and provides a temporary feeling of ecstasy and ‘bliss’. However, this is followed by periods of sadness, depression and an increased craving for the drug. A heroin addict usually swings between these two states of pleasure and sadness. Heroin comes in the form of white or dark brown powder and can be injected, snorted or smoked into the body.

Heroin addiction can have serious health consequences. The immediate effects of heroin include an increased state of ‘wakefulness’ and insensitivity to pain. As it slows down breathing, an overdose can be fatal. The long term complications of heroin abuse include Kidney diseases, liver diseases, skin infections and pulmonary complications. Additionally, a heroin user may also contract HIV and other deadly viruses by sharing needles (used to inject heroin) with other users. For these reasons, it’s important for a heroin user to rid the addiction as soon as possible before any long-term damage is done to the body. Heroin treatment programs available at a reliable rehabilitation center may prove to be immensely helpful when it comes to helping a person coming out of his or her heroin addiction.

Heroin treatment options available to addicts include

  • Detoxification

Heroin detoxification programs are aimed at ending a person’s dependence on the drug while making it easier to deal with the withdrawal symptoms. Under detoxification programs, certain medications are used to reduce the intensity of the withdrawal symptoms.

  • Behavioral therapies

Behavioral therapies are an integral component of heroin treatment. They are aimed at modifying the attitude of patients. These therapies also help patients handle stressful situations effectively. Behavior therapy goes a long way when it comes to normalizing the mind and body.  Fore more information on Heroin addiction or any other opiate addiction click here