healthy eatingLife changes can sometimes be difficult. The unknown can make people nervous. Coming out of your comfort zone is usually a challenge to any individual. Often times taking small steps toward a larger goal is the best way to begin a journey in a new direction.

An individual may have huge health challenges that they need to overcome, but beginning with something small, like their eating habits, could be the first baby step they need to help them get the ball rolling toward a brand new lifestyle.

Even something as simple as eating more serotonin foods can have a big impact on improving mood and overall mental health.

Below you will find a few tips that can dramatically help you improve your eating habits and take you a few steps closer to the new healthier you that you dream of becoming.

Pick Whole Grains

This is a very simple step that can really make a difference in your health. Picking whole grain bread and pasta products does not take a lot of planning or thought, you just simply choose whole grain over white processed grain. When you eat whole grains you are giving your body the fiber it needs to function properly. When your body does not have enough fiber your digestive system does not function properly and your body holds on to waste products that it should be shedding.

Simply picking whole grain over white flour will help your digestion and whole grains keep you fuller longer than processed white flour, thus reducing your chances of overeating during the day.

Cook More

When an individual eats out a lot, they are exposing themselves to unhealthy amounts of fat, sugar and salt that the restaurant industry loads their food with. Restaurants are in competition to see who has the best tasting food, not necessarily the healthiest food. When you cook at home you will have more control over how your meal is prepared and how much fat and salt is used.

Many people also find that cooking at home is a very relaxing, enjoyable pass time that can be shared with family and friends.

Fruit for Dessert

If you have a sweet tooth, try substituting a few of your desserts each week with fruit instead. Most desserts are loaded with fat and of course sugar while carrying very little nutritional value at all. Pairing some fresh fruit with low-fat yogurt can actually become a pretty satisfying substitute for your regular bowl of ice-cream.

Most people will not stop eating all desserts, but cutting back can make a big difference.

It’s imperative that food education start at an early age.  Check out this great infographic on bringing food education back into schools.